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Camp Helps Kid’s fall in Love with Nature
My 13 year old son loves the outdoor activities at Wildwood: A Mass Audubon Camp for Outdoor Explorattion. This camp will pull your child away from the television, video games, cell phones and other modern electronics. The camp counselors help kids explore their interests, find... Read More...
LATEST CAMPS NEWS: Nature School- Session 5 - Chico Creek Nature Center - 1968 E 8th Street, Chico, CA
Nature School is a first learning experience in nature. It is a drop off program designed for Pre K, TK and Kindergartners. Young first graders may also enjoy this class. All children should be potty trained and ready for an experience away from their family. Our teachers are happy to help facilitate "goodbyes" as is often needed with this age. Children learn about nature, letters, numbers, colors and shapes through crafts, songs, games, animal visits and guided exploration of the park. The teacher is trained in and uses curriculum from Growing Up Wild that meets state standards in science, literacy, math, art and STEM. Each class has a different theme. For optimum learning a full year of participation is encouraged. Classes are broken into 6 Wednesday sessions. Limited to 16 students with a ratio of 1 teacher to 8 children. The program runs 11am to 2pm. We recommend your family joins us for Natures ABCs that is 10 to 11am to help in the drop off transition. To ensure a GREAT experience please make sure to send you camper(s) prepared with: *Packed lunch. Lunch is NOT provided and we take time as a group to sit and eat. *Closed Toe... 530-891-4671
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